
The Data Room was founded in 1995 with the objective of providing consultancy, training and services in the field of E&P data management. Neil McNaughton, president of The Data Room is an explorationist with over 20 years experience of managing and exploiting E&P data and is a member of the following societies:- SEG, EAGE, AFTP, AAPG and SPE. 

The Data Room's reputation for lucid and penetrating analysis of high tech subjects has led to its being selected by an international organisation for a major study of the evolution of international telecommunications markets.

Activity to date

  • Consultant to a group of service companies responding to a call for tender issued by a major oil company for the management of its legacy data.
  • Editor and publisher of Oil IT Journal, a monthly newsletter focusing on E&P IT and data management..
  • Scientific papers presented at GeoForum meetings (London) and at the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain's Data Management Seminar (September 1996). Article Trends in E&P data Management (The Leading Edge, December 1996)
  • Consultant to an EU government in a re-vamp of data release policies and mechanisms.
  • A major study of the evolution of international markets in telecommunications for an international organisation.
  • Quality control of the remastering of a major oil company's legacy seismic and navigation data.
  • Benchmarking of major oil company's data management and information work.

Services provided

  • Consultancy and audit of data management systems and the design and authoring of calls for tender.
  • Technology watch in the field of data management, IT, office automation and communications.
  • Market research in data management and new technologies in IT. Monthly newsletter Oil IT Journal.